Zen Karate-Do
Everything Is Basics. (Kihon)
Basic techniques is the foundation of all subsequent learning in Karate. You cannot perform advanced Karate without a firm foundation in basics of, Blocks, Strikes, Kicks and stances. All else comes after basics
Zen Karate-Do Basics
Zen Karate -Do Stances
HEISOKU-DACHI, Normal Stance. Usage: standing. Wt. dist.; 50/50
MUSUBI-DACHI, Open Toed Stance. Usage: standing. Wt. dist.: 50/50
HEIKO-DACHI, Parallel Open Stance. Usage: standing for long periods of time. Wt. dist.: 50/50
UCHI-DACHI-JI-DACHI, Pigeon Toed Stance. Usage: breathing exercises Wt. dist.: 50/50
FUDO-DACHI, Stable Stance. Usage: bowing, standard standing stance Wt. dist.: 50/50
YOI-DACHI, Preparedness Stance. Usage: warning fighting posture Wt. dist.: 50/50
SHIKO-DACHI, Sumo Stance. Usage: side to side movements. Wt. dist.: 50/50
KIBA-DACHI, Straddle Stance. Usage: descending and side strikes. Wt. dist.: 50/50
ZENKUTSU-DACHI, Forward Leaning Stance. Usage: kick practice and attacking
Wt. dist.: 70% on forward foot, 30% on back foot
KOKUTSU-DACHI, Back Leaning Stance. Usage: blocking and defensive stance,
Wt. dist.: 30% on forward foot, 70%, on back foot.
TSURASHI-DACHI, Crane Stance. Usage: intermediate stance for the side-snap kick. Wt., Dist.: 100%
SANCHIN-DACHI. Sanchin Stance. Usage: thrust practice Wt. dist.: 50/50
NEKOASHI-DACHI. Cat Stance. Usage: defensive fighting posture and also main fighting stance of
system. Wt. dist.: 10% on forward foot, 90% on back foot.
KAKE-DACHI. Hooked Stance. Usage: Defensive stance and used for cross stepping Wt., dist,: 50/50
MOROASHI-DACHI. One Foot Forward Stance. Usage: back kicking Practice. Wt. dist.: 50/50
Karate Hands
Three steps
One steps
Self Defense