The Iz Foot Corrector System
These are tools I designed to help correct my feet. Both my big toes when gripping something had the big toe sliding under the second or long toe. Plus, with arthritis in the big toe joint from injuries I was unable to put any pressure on my Big toe pad. This created walking and balance issues plus a generally weak foot. My feet were my weakest link. Using these tools five to ten minutes a day I could restore my feet. No longer did my feet hurt from staying on them to long. I can grip things and not have my Big toe slide under. I can put all kinds of pressure on my toe pads where before I could not. Using these devices and the miscellaneous exercises work to promote healthy feet.
Perch, Toe Gripper Rods, Toe Presser, Arch Discs
& Balance Beams
Calf Raises
Towel Grabbing
4 angle Foot Walk
Ballet Posititons
Foot circles Toes Flexed
Toe & Ankle Moovement Coordination
Diagonal Patterns
Rolling up onto toes
Squats with ankle rotation
Ankle Rolling side to side
Walking Mindfully
Jumping with feet, not so much legs
Pilates Toe Puller
Pressure Point
A Qigong Form
Any excercise that works the foot